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RTK-15106 - Restek RXi-1MS, 0.1mm ID, 0.1um

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Rxi-1ms Secondary GC Capillary Column for GCxGC, 1.1 m (+or-3 cm), 0.10 mm ID, 0.10 um

  • General-purpose columns for arson accelerants, essential oils, hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), sulfur compounds, solvent impurities, simulated distillation, oxygenates, gasoline range organics (GRO).
  • Tested and guaranteed for ultra-low bleed; improved signal-to-noise ratio for better sensitivity and mass spectral integrity.
  • Temperature range: -60 °C to 330/350 °C.
  • Equivalent to USP G1, G2, and G38 phases.
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