Inorganic SPE

Agilent Bond Elut Florisil and Alumina
Bond Elut Florisil
- Pesticide Residue (PR) grade
- For cleanup of polar interferences from
- Economical
Florisil is a magnesia-loaded silica gel. Like silica, it is extremely polar in nature and ideal for the isolation of polar compounds from nonpolar matrices. The larger particle size of the sorbent enables fast flow for large sample volumes and therefore can be an attractive alternative to silica if the sample matrix is particularly viscous.
Bond Elut Alumina
- Available in acidic (A), basic (B) and neutral (N) formats
- High extraction efficiency
- Better high pH stability than unfunctionalized silica
Alumina, like silica, is an extremely polar sorbent. The alumina surface tends to be slightly more stable under high pH conditions than unfunctionalized silica. The small particle size of the Bond Elut Alumina range ensures high extraction efficiency even when small bed masses are used.