16th Jan 2025
Maximizing Throughput in an HPLC Laboratory
Maximizing sample throughput in a laboratory offers numerous benefits, with cost savings being a key motivator. While optimizing HPLC analysis is highly advantageous, it's also important to explore other avenues for reducing costs, particularly in high-throughput laboratories.
Speed Up Sample Run Time
While maximizing efficiency and reducing sample analysis times are important, most chromatographers consider selecting the optimal column and method parameters a crucial aspect of method development. Given the abundance of resources on this topic, we’ll briefly highlight a few basic strategies. One simple way to reduce LC run times without compromising analyte resolution is by shortening the column length (e.g., from 100 mm to 50 mm) and using a smaller particle size (e.g., from 5 µm to 3 or 1.8 µm). For even quicker analysis, this can be combined with adjusting gradient conditions and increasing the mobile phase flow rate, though this may lead to higher backpressure. Check out our previous blog post on the use of superficially porous particles to see how increasing column back pressure can be mitigated by particle choice.
Choose Fit For Purpose Sample Prep Methods
Aside from just the sample analysis time, another factor to consider includes sample preparation time and effectiveness. Of course, different assays require varying sample preparation techniques to achieve accurate and reproducible results in your lab. For example, when samples are relatively clean, the simplest form of sample preparation can be a dilute-and-shoot approach. But as sample complexity increases, typically so does the sample prep. Filtering a sample is a relatively fast and simple way to clean up a sample. Not only does this approach remove large particles to provide a cleaner sample, but also can improve column lifetime. Ultimately, weighing the costs of time and supplies will be deciding factors as to which sample prep should be done to achieve the best results for your assay.
Save Money on High-use Consumables
Cost savings is typically the driving factor behind maximizing throughput. So, it’s important to choose chromatography consumables that offer value without breaking the bank. At Chrom Tech, we offer high quality chromatography consumables at a competitive price. While we pride ourselves in having a team of chromatography specialists to help guide you through purchasing, we also know that price is important. We offer competitive pricing on all of our consumables, especially high-use ones like our autosampler vials, 96-well plates, and filtration products.
When sample count reaches a critical point, many labs opt to use well plates over vials to maximize throughput. Not only does this allow for sample prep to be automated, but since 96-well plates typically cost just a few dollars, the price per sample ends up being nearly 1/5th of the price when compared to using autosampler vials. We have a wide variety of well plate dimensions available and of course, when well plates cannot be used, we have a large selection of autosampler vials to meet your needs.
Maximize Your Spending Power in the Lab
By maximizing your laboratory’s throughput, you can save a significant amount of money. But maximizing your budget goes beyond just speeding things up. To find more ways to save, reach out to an experienced product specialist today.