HPLC Fittings

Idex flangless fittings
Super Flangeless
& Flangeless Fittings
IDEX fingertight fittings
HPLC Fingertight Fittings
IDEX stainless steel fittings
Ultra High Pressure
Stainless Steel Fittings
IDEX UHPLC fittings
Agilent, IDEX, Optimize,
& MarvelXACT Fittings

Fluidic Connections for HPLC Applications

Every laboratory has its own specific requirements when it comes to High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) fittings, which are essential for the effective operation of HPLC systems. At Chrom Tech, we are proud to offer a vast array of fingertight fittings, from low-pressure to ultra-high-pressure connections. These developments in fingertight fitting have streamlined HPLC plumbing connections. Moreover, we stock an extensive selection of HPLC fittings, including the IDEX PEEK fittings, compatible with a wide range of analytical applications.

We urge you to contact us for more information or to place your order for fittings easily today. If you need further guidance on choosing the most appropriate fitting for your specific application, we encourage you to visit our blog, Essential HPLC Fittings Guide, which is an online resource to support your decision-making process.

In our comprehensive stock, not only will you find HPLC fittings but also crucial HPLC accessories like filters, frits, and connectors. These are offered in an assortment of materials and styles to match your laboratory's specific needs. Our dedication to enhancing your lab's productivity and efficacy is evident in the wide variety of products we supply, ensuring you have the necessary tools for precise HPLC operations. For more information or specific advice tailored to your lab's unique needs, our committed support team is always ready to help.