Capillary Tubing Selection Guide for Agilent HPLC Systems

23rd Jan 2020

Capillary Tubing Selection Guide for Agilent HPLC Systems

Chrom Tech is constantly working to make shopping easier for consumers. Replacing the various capillary tubing connections in your HPLC can be intimidating and confusing.

In our latest efforts, we put together a capillary replacement guide for your standard Agilent HPLC systems.

We’ve included tips for choosing the right lengths for the various lines in your system, as well as determining the right ID for the application. There are many options for replacing Agilent capillaries, but our goal is to make the process as painless as possible

If you're looking for a hassle-free column connection, we've got you covered with our InfinityLab Quick Connect and Quick Turn fittings.

capillary guide

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