Agilent Bond Elut SPE
Agilent Bond Elut: Accuracy Starts Here
For over 30 years, Bond Elut has been the most trusted name in solid phase extraction. After years of use, demanding chemists at top companies worldwide have thoroughly documented its many applications and proven its performance. Bond Elut is manufactured using state-of-the-art automation to guarantee quality and consistency. Optical scanners installed throughout our automated assembly process inspect each Bond Elut tube at multiple points. And during manufacture, 25 different test are conducted to ensure reproducibility.
Over 40 different sorbent functionalities are available in a variety of cartridge formats including straight barrel, large reservoir capacity (LRC) and Bond Elut Junior (Jr). 96-well plate configurations support automated workflows, with flexibility for method development and scale-up. Bulk packaging of popular products provides a cost-effective solution for high throughput.