Hypersil Gold

ThermoFisher Scientific Hypersil Gold HPLC and UHPLC Columns
State-of-the-art columns that improve accuracy and quality of your analytical data. Enjoy the range and capabilities of the Thermo Scientific Hypersil GOLD family of LC columns.
Improved sensitivity and outstanding peak shape created by the Hypersil GOLD columns. This is critical for low concentrations of analytes, such as impurity assays.
Sensitivity plus scalability in one.
When you’re starting a new method and need high-efficiency separations, our state-of-the-art Hypersil GOLD columns are a smart first choice. These fully porous columns offer the high performance you need, plus ultrapure silica particles that provide tighter peaks, excellent peak shape and higher peak capacity than competitive columns. Scalable from 1.9 μm to a 5 μm particle size (and from analytical to preperative scale), Hypersil GOLD columns also deliver fast run times and excellent sensitivity that enables you to reach lower limits of detection. For highly accurate and reproducible data across time, look no further.
Ultapure silica for better peak shape
• Fully porous, ultrapure silica particle columns
• Tighter peaks, excellent peak shape, higher peak capacity than competitive columns
• Fast run times and excellent sensitivity to reach lower limits of detection
• Fully scalable: From 1.9 μm to 5 μm particle size, from analytical to prep
• Highly accurate and reproducible data across time