Ion Mixed Mode Silica SPE

Agilent Bond Elut Ion Multi Mode Silica SPE
For over 30 years, Bond Elut has been the most trusted name in solid phase extraction. Years of use by demanding chemists at top companies worldwide have thoroughly documented its many applications and proven its performance. To this day, you will find more literature references for Bond Elut than any other SPE product in the industry. Bond Elut is manufactured using state-of-the-art automation to guarantee quality and consistency. During manufacture, 25 different tests are conducted to ensure reproducibility. If an imperfection is spotted, the tube is removed from the assembly line.
Over 40 different sorbent functionalities are available in a variety of cartridge formats including straight barrel, large reservoir capacity (LRC) and Bond Elut Junior (Jr). The Bond Elut C18 is our most popular phase for reversed phase chromatography sample preparation.
Bond Elut AccuCAT
- SCX and SAX functionalities offer broad analyte extraction potential
- Ultra clean, mixed sorbent bed delivers reproducible extractions
Bond Elut AccuCAT cartridges are mixed bed SPE cartridges consisting of a strong cation exchange (SCX) and a strong anion exchange (SAX) sorbent packed into one bed. AccuCAT is effective for the extraction of acidic, basic, and neutral analytes from urine and other biological samples. AccuCAT is particularly effective for catecholamine extraction from biofluids.
Bond Elut Certify
- Mixed Mode, C8 and SCX
- Most commonly used to extract basic drugs from urine and blood
The Bond Elut Certify extraction cartridge utilizes a packed bed consisting of a special, nonpolar C8 sorbent and a strong cation exchanger (SCX). Certify is most commonly used to extract basic (cationic) drugs from urine and blood, but it is also very effective for extracting a wide range of compounds from a diverse number of aqueous matrices.
Bond Elut Certify II
- Mixed Mode, C8 and SAX
- Most commonly used to extract acidic drugs form urine and blood
Bond Elut Certify II was developed specifically for the rapid and effective extraction of acidic drugs and metabolites from urine and other biological matrices. Certify II is a mixed-mode cartridge packed with nonpolar C8 and strong anion-exchange (SAX) sorbent. It has been optimized for acidic drugs, such as 11-nor-delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol-carboxylic acid, salicylic acid, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and other compounds that possess both nonpolar and anionic characteristics.